
Situations That Warrant The Help Of A Probate Attorney

Law Blog

When a loved one passes away, it can be a difficult and emotional time for their family and friends. In addition to dealing with grief and loss, there are often legal matters to attend to, such as the process of probate. Probate is the legal process of administering a deceased person's estate, including distributing their assets, paying off debts, and settling any disputes. While it is possible to handle probate without an attorney, there are certain situations where it is advisable to hire a probate attorney.

2 March 2023

Why You Need A Workers' Compensation Attorney To Avoid Mistakes

Law Blog

The workers' compensation claim process can be confusing, and it's easy to overlook important details. But making mistakes can be costly and can even result in your claim being denied. That's why it's so important to have a workers' compensation attorney on your side. They can help you avoid the most common mistakes that injured workers make, leading to denied claims. Here are common mistakes that a workers' compensation attorney can help you avoid:

27 January 2023

What You Need To Know About Contesting A Will

Law Blog

It's hard enough to be given the bad news that a loved one has passed away, but if you've been dealing with the added sting of a discrepancy between what you were told you would inherit and what the current will actually says, you're probably feeling a lot of confusion on top of your other emotions. Fortunately, if you feel that you have been wrongfully left out of a will, you may have the option to contest the will in court.

28 December 2022

Lost Income After An Accident: What To Know

Law Blog

A car accident will impact several areas of your life. Unfortunately, it can also affect your job. Most people depend on their employment to pay their bills each month. Bill collectors may not care that you were in an accident, and they can take action against you. You can be paid for your lost income, however, so read on to find out more. Lost Wages and Accidents If the other driver caused the accident, their insurer probably owes you compensation.

7 November 2022

A Milestone To Understand During Workers' Compensation

Law Blog

When you have been hurt by a work-related accident or illness, you are probably entitled to certain benefits. Your employer provides you with coverage that includes medical expenses and a partial disability salary if you are told to stay home and get better. At some point, your situation may turn a corner. Read on so that you will be ready for maximum medical improvement (MMI).  A Turning Point Once your workers' compensation claim is approved, you will begin to receive monetary benefits.

7 November 2022

How To Spot The Signs Of Nursing Home Abuse

Law Blog

The National Council on Aging reports that "up to five million older Americans are abused every year." Nursing home abuse is a huge problem and one that is often underreported. Family members who suspect their loved ones are being abused in a nursing home may not know how to proceed. Here are some signs of nursing home abuse, what you can do if you suspect your loved one is a victim, and when to call a nursing home abuse lawyer.

10 October 2022

3 Three Critical Steps When Filing A Workplace Injury Settlement Claim

Law Blog

As an employee, accidents can happen in your office or workplace, causing serious injuries. You should file a workers' settlement claim if you are sure you got injured because the employer was somehow negligent. Nonetheless, filing one can be a challenging and stressful process. For this reason, look for a competent workers' compensation lawyer to help you. The process involves certain steps you can't successfully handle alone. Furthermore, you don't know the kind of evidence you should present to prove that your employer is liable for your injuries.

14 September 2022

What Your Creditors Can And Can't Do During Your Bankruptcy

Law Blog

Are you being hounded by creditors? Are they threatening to take further legal action, such as foreclosure? If so, you need the protection of bankruptcy as soon as possible. But what does bankruptcy filing do to protect you from creditors? And what can they still do even after you file? Here's a short guide to what your creditors can and cannot do. 1. Creditors Can Attend the 341 Meeting The 341, or creditors meeting, is the main opportunity to verify your bankruptcy facts under oath and answer any questions regarding them.

16 August 2022

Legal Help With Immigrating A Foreign Family To The United States

Law Blog

Does your foreign spouse have children and you want to bring them all to the United States? Sponsoring a foreign spouse can be complicated, but the process is even more complicated when there are multiple foreigners involved. The reason is that there is a substantial amount of paperwork to fill out, and you must also show solid evidence that marriage fraud is not being committed. Making the simplest mistake when filling out the documents to sponsor your foreign family can lead to an extensive delay and a denial.

19 July 2022

How An Auto Accident Lawyer Can Help You

Law Blog

Involved in a recent auto accident? Hopefully, the accident was minor and no one was seriously injured. Regardless, you should consult a lawyer specializing in car accident cases to make sure that your interests are protected. Although many people assume that in most cases you can simply let the insurance companies sort things out, this could leave you vulnerable to legal or financial harm. Here are some examples of how an auto accident expert can help you avoid any serious negative consequences of a vehicular mishap.

21 June 2022